Heather Willis

Drum Liners Protect Your Product And Your Drums

7 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If your company produces a product that needs to ship in liquid form, you may decide that the best way to do so is to put it into a large drum. But many products that ship this way like food & beverage or chemical supplies can be highly sensitive to contamination. That's why you need drum liners. Adding plastic drum liners to your shipping process can benefit your company and your products in a variety of different ways. Read More …

Shipping Hazardous Goods? 4 Shipping Tips To Help You Do It Safely And Efficiently

29 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Dangerous goods are a little more challenging to ship than other goods. However, the shipping process is possible when you have the right people handling it for you. The local government expects you to train your employees on the safety procedures to follow when managing dangerous products. The regulations are stiff, and anyone that does not abide by them receives a fine for non-compliance. Here are four tips to help you and your employees when shipping hazardous materials to ensure the shipping process is safe and efficient. Read More …

Things That Can Make Industrial Packaging Easier To Complete

28 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you manufacture industrial motors or pumps, these components require specialized packaging operations. If you're trying to set them up for the first time, these measures are going to help you have success and not struggle as much. Prevent Extra Space If you want your industrial equipment being packaged correctly and thus being more protected throughout shipping, then you need to prevent extra space as best you can. Space is going to make your industrial components more susceptible to damage because movement is more likely to happen. Read More …